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On Wine Pronunciation

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

Learning wine is in at least 6 languages (English excluded). Here is your guide to pronounce the names of a few grape varieties and places where they grow, with some related terms.

These are flashcards. Make sure you have your sound on and click on the audio icon (top right of flashcards) to hear how it sound in the NATIVE language.

For now, we stick to Greek, Italian, Spanish (there are no audio available for Catalan yet), Portuguese, French & German. Hungarian is coming later. You are welcome to leave your comments below or suggests additions to this list.




The set below is meant to be in Catalan, but no audio is available at this time, so, this is the Spanish version, which sounds a bit different:




How the Brits say it ! (Just for fun)

To learn more about grape varieties, where they grow and how they taste, enroll the next WSET Level 2 Award in Wines.

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